When you have mold in your home, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Mold is destructive and can cause lasting damage to your homes, such as discolored walls and a weakened foundation. What’s worse, it’s known to exacerbate or even cause a range of health problems. It’s dangerous to come in contact with mold, so cleanup requires a steady hand. At MasterClean, our professional cleaners handle mold without a problem! We use state-of-the-art technology to eliminate all traces of mold from your home. We’re confident that you’ll be pleased with our Valparaiso mold removal services.
MasterClean is a longterm provider of quality cleaning services. For over 30 years, we’ve followed the same mission, which is to provide homeowners and businesses with dependable, affordable services. When life creates a mess for you, we’ll be there to clean it up. It’s our dedication to you that drives us to do the very best job possible. No matter how big or small the mess is, our team takes it seriously and delivers the same, reliable service every time.
We carry out this mission whenever we’re called in for a mold removal job. Mold is one cleanup job that homeowners shouldn’t attempt to do on their own. Our professionals take care of the situation before it turns into a huge problem that compromises your family’s health. We’re experts at searching your home for mold, including all of the places you might overlook.
Whenever you suspect that you have mold in your home, you should treat the situation as an emergency. Not only is it unsightly as it spreads across your walls and ceiling, but it’s a health risk if it remains there for too long. Over time, excess amounts of mold can cause respiratory problems and irritate your skin when touched. It’s a danger to anyone, but especially for individuals who are sensitive, such as those with allergies or chronic lung problems. What’s even worse, mold may go undetected for months or even years. Look around your house for mold, and if you notice any of these signs, call our team right away:
While you can’t always see mold, there are a few clues you should pay attention to, including the weather. Many times, mold appears after heavy rainfall. Floods or leaks fill your home with moisture, which promotes mold growth. Be sure to check around for mold.
MasterClean is proud to serve homeowners throughout Northwest Indiana. Our Valparaiso mold removal services are fast, affordable, and done right. We provide a free quote before we get started so there are no surprises. Call us to schedule your cleaning!