Soft surfaces absorb way more than we think! From allergens and pet dander to dirt and odors, your carpets and upholstery need to be treated beyond just weekly vacuuming. At Master Clean, our team of cleaning specialists has been working with homeowners, business owners and apartment companies since 1984. We approach your soft surfaces with an eye for dirt and stains. We will take the time to really see what areas of your carpet need extra special attention due to heavy traffic or pets. Spills and stains are no match for our solution and cleaning techniques. Beyond carpet cleaning for your apartment, we also can assist with mold removal, disinfecting of office spaces, and grout and tile cleaning.
Our professional team of cleaning experts will review your apartment building’s carpeted areas that need to be addressed and take note of any stains or extra dirty areas. Our cleaning process includes a special solution that is heated and injected right into fibers to help loosen up what is ground in as well as help release odors. A fiber rinse and high-powered extraction process help get out all the grime and gunk that is in your carpets and upholstery. After we have cleaned your carpeted areas, we will also take the time to groom them so that they are fluffed and fresh. We will walk through to ensure that we have not missed any areas. Our team will also replace your furniture where it belongs with protective coaster pieces under the legs of the furniture.
Our team can also address any tile or grout that needs cleaned at your apartment. While different from soft surfaces, these types of hard surfaces can be porous and absorb odors and dirt as well. Our technique does not include any etching substance or process that could cause damage to your tile or grout. Our special formula will safely remove what you do not want in there.
Cleaning is our life! Reach out to us through our online contact form for an appointment.